Customer Testimonials

Blue and gray horizontal McClure Vending & Coffee Services logo promoting its customer testimonial
As a business owner, nothing is more frustrating than pouring time, effort and money into your business and equipment, just to have it break down time and time again. Broken-down equipment can force you to lose out on sales. This issue can arise in the vending industry, as it did for Paul Burchett of McClure Vending. Eventually, he had had enough and went searching for newer, more reliable vending equipment.

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Watch this customer testimonial to see what they like about our products and services.

The live product display is one of the best parts according to this customer. They also appreciate being able to control the products that go into the vending machines giving them more employee satisfaction. Machines are maintenance free and easy to maintain.

Our vending machines are just what they needed for their business.

Vending machines which are maintenance free and easy to maintain

“We are extremely happy with our new Advantage Plus Combo Vending Machine.  It has a huge capacity for products considering its compact size.  With this machine, we are now able to offer our customers a wide selection of snacks and candy, as well as both bottled and canned drinks.  This combo machine has proven to not only provide convenience and value to our customers, but has provided another revenue stream for our small business.  The pull-out trays are very easy to archicad and overall the machine works great!


Lou Dotson
Vendor operator location
Truck Accessories Store



Customer Testimonials

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