Previously, we delved into why vending is the ultimate solution in the convenience services industry in Part I and finding the right product to keep your vending machines disinfected and safe for your customers to use in Part II. Part III of our four part series will provide best practices to properly clean your machine, without causing damage to the equipment.
While Selectivend recommends soapy water for cleaning and disinfecting vending equipment, the choice is up to you. Regardless of what type of cleaner you choose, here are some Best Practices for Cleaning Vending Equipment.
Previously, we delved into why vending is the ultimate solution in the convenience services industry in Part I and finding the right product to keep your vending machines disinfected and safe for your customers to use in Part II. Part III of our four part series will provide best practices to properly clean your machine, without causing damage to the equipment.
While Selectivend recommends soapy water for cleaning and disinfecting vending equipment, the choice is up to you. Regardless of what type of cleaner you choose, here are some Best Practices for Cleaning Vending Equipment.
In many grocery and retail stores, it is commonplace to see self-serve sanitizing wipes for customers to use. To help ensure your equipment stays clean and provide peace of mind to consumers, if possible, provide sanitizing wipes at or near your equipment.
As with all individuals working in convenience services in a food-handling role, an operator who is suffering any form of illness should inform their supervisor and not perform any work sanitizing the vending equipment.
Safe sanitation is crucial now more than ever for your vending equipment. For more information on best practices to sanitize your vending equipment or other equipment questions, please contact Selectivend at 866-939-5947.
With consumers using cash less often due to sanitary concerns, Part IV focuses on why cashless payment options are more important than ever. Check back soon to view Part IV.